By Mahesh Sharma

What is Healthy Eating?

Though a “healthy diet” is subjective and can vary depending on a person’s nutrition needs, culture and other personal factors, there are a few things most healthy diets have in common.

At the core, healthy diets include plenty of fruits and vegetables—at least 5 cups a day. Research shows eating about 5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day may reduce risk of death by 31%. Include a wide variety of different types of fruits and vegetables of different colors, such as blue and red berries, orange citrus fruits, leafy green vegetables and other types of produce. Different colors represent different nutrients, so it’s important to eat a mix. Aim to have a serving of fruits or vegetables with every meal and snack.

Healthy diets also contain lean sources of protein, including plenty of plant-protein sources like beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. Research finds eating a more plant-forward diet can add healthy minutes to your life, and it’s also good for the environment.

Most fats in a healthy diet are monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats—the types of fat you get from olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds. These fats are generally better for your health compared with saturated fats (though we need a little saturated fat, too). We want to completely avoid trans fats, which isn’t that hard now that they are banned from the food supply.

Most carbohydrates in a healthy diet come from either fruits, vegetables or whole grains like brown and wild rice, quinoa, farro and barley. Whole grains contain all parts of the grain (the bran, the germ and the endosperm) and nutrients like fiber, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, iron and antioxidants. They are a more healthful choice than refined grains, such as white flour.

Healthy diets include mostly unprocessed or minimally processed foods, like fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables, and don’t include ultra-processed foods—that is, foods that are so processed, you don’t even recognize them. A healthy diet also limits added sugar (a little sweet is fine, but keep it to under 50 grams of added sugar a day!) and keep sodium in check—the daily value for sodium is 2,300mg.

Routine and Tips, you can follow: – 

1. Make a simple breakfast a priority.

People tend to be in a rush during the morning as they prepare to go to work, and they usually neglect the first meal of the day. i believes that breakfast is crucial to getting the body ready for the long day.  I have two standard breakfast options, either probiotic-packed Greek yogurt or a spinach, banana, and coconut water smoothie with no extra added sugar. I also recommends starting the day with eight ounces of hot lemon water, because it will “rejuvenate your system, which has been on a fast all night long. This gives your immune system a boost, strengthens the brain, hydrates, aids digestion, and relieves stress with vitamin C.”

2. Pre-portion your snacks to avoid overeating.

Snacking is one habit a lot of people get into throughout the day so that they can get something into their system. But even when avoiding junk food, people often lose track of how much they eat. “My midmorning and afternoon snacks consist of pre-portioned nuts or fruit,”Pre-portioning in the kitchen is most important so that I don’t get tempted to overeat. Better to put a small portion in a bowl than to take the whole bag or box of your snack.”

3. Drink a lot of water.

People like to drink coffee throughout the workday to keep themselves energized, but i drinks water instead to ensure that “my body is clear and free of any toxins I might eat or drink. I like to use a medium-size water bottle–that way I can take it everywhere and only have to fill it twice during the day.” It’s cheaper than a mocha latte and you don’t have to take time to prepare it.

4. Eat at the same time every day.

Many busy people set daily routines at the office. This way they can control the things that are controllable, leaving them mentally free to deal with whatever unexpected challenges or opportunities come their way. Eating should be no different. Having a specific time and routine for eating ensures that you are able to prepare for it and make healthier choices than rushing through a meal. Then, when the exciting food adventure comes, you can make choices accordingly.

5. Go for the lighter lunch. Lunch is likely the meal that most directly impacts any hard worker, because it happens in the middle of the workday. Calorie-rich business lunches can bring on health risks and joining in on the take-out group can be tempting when busy. Nothing is easier and healthier than a simple salad, which can be prepared rather quickly. Of course, you need to lay off the fatty dressing and opt instead for a little lemon juice with a hint of olive oil. “Make lunch that consists of a green vegetable salad with protein, along with some sort of thin side carbs (low fat pretzels or crackers with hummus),” recommends Dr Baldev

6. Walk and talk.

Eating healthy alone will not give you the energy and brain power you need for success. Exercise will make a positive impact as well. You may not think you have the time, but you do with Baldev’s process. “All of my calls are walking calls. I carry a notepad and pen and walk around Silicon Valley with headphones, which allows me to speak on the calls hands-free,” she explained. “Sometimes, I have to stop and sit on a bench to write notes. I set a daily walking goal of 10,000 steps per day. This allows one to maintain a healthy lifestyle and with moderation, maintain a healthy body.”

How to eat healthy

Tip 1:

Put a reminder in your planner or calendar. If you are the type of person that likes to plan out everything on your agenda, don’t forget to insert time slots to remind yourself to eat a snack or a meal. This note will help you to remember to eat something even if you are busy running around or working on homework. Having a snack break will also help you to take a break and let your brain relax for a moment after long hours of hard work

Tip 2:

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. People often forget to drink water when they are busy. However, the body needs water to carry out appropriate functions, especially our brain function. When dehydrated, your cognitive function will decline and your brain will not be working efficiently. Carry a reusable water bottle with you all the time and refill it at the water stations around campus. Different applications on the market can remind you to drink water throughout the day.

Tip 3:

Choose the better protein or granola bars. Try not to replace a meal with these bars. The nutrients in the bar are not enough to make your body function well. These bars are more like snacks that offer a quick source of energy when the body is low in energy. When buying energy bars, check the ingredient list to ensure you know familiar with what goes into the bars. My general rule is, if the name sounds too strange, I will not buy it. With some planning, you can make homemade bars to adjust to your own needs and flavors.

Tip 4:

Pack your own snacks. You can pack fruits, vegetables or nuts to eat during the day. Some snack ideas are apple slices with almond butter, pretzels with hummus, or trail mix. You know what goes into your snack when you make or pack it yourself. It will also help you save a substantial amount of money in the long run. Most importantly, snacking throughout the day can also prevent overeating or eating less nutrient-dense meals later.

Tip 5:

Make healthier choices in restaurants. Many people choose to eat out when they feel like they do not have enough time to cook. Identifying and ordering a more nutritious option in a restaurant is easier than you think. Try to choose dishes that contain mostly vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. Consider adding various side dishes to create a balanced meal. Additionally, pay attention to the portion size offered. Restaurants often serve portions that are too much for one person to finish, so you should not feel obligated to finish everything on the plate. To avoid overeating, consider splitting a meal with a friend, ask for a smaller portion or put half of the plate in a to-go box for another time.  

(The Author is Dr.Mahesh Sharma,Views expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of The Statesman India.)

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