Voices of Peace: Honouring the Volunteers of Dwarka Mela 2024

Voices of Peace: Honouring the Volunteers of Dwarka Mela 2024

Voices of Peace: Honouring the Volunteers of Dwarka Mela 2024 As we prepare to transition to a new city to explore further peace initiatives spearheaded by compassionate individuals, we anticipate an enriching journey filled with unforgettable moments. Our hearts swell with happiness at the thought of documenting these remarkable efforts, experiencing firsthand the profound impact of Prem Rawat’s message of peace on diverse communities. Our resolve is strengthened as we embark on a quest to discover more individuals dedicated to spreading the invaluable message of peace and contentment.

Amidst the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead, one truth remains unwavering: Peace Is Possible. This mantra will guide us as we strive to amplify these voices of harmony, knowing that our collective efforts can illuminate the path to peace for millions around the world.

Imagine a world where every individual nurtures their inner peace, radiating harmony outward until the entire world is enveloped in tranquillity. As you visit this stall at Dwarka Mela 2024, spreading Prem Rawat’s message of Peace, we hope you’ll find something truly transformative. Positioned at the forefront, just as you exit the Underground Fish tunnel, it beckons with the promise of profound insights and serenity. May your visit ignite a spark within, contributing to the collective journey towards a more peaceful world.

The volunteers’ extraordinary efforts elicited a resounding applause as they were honoured on stage by the organizers of the mela. Their dedication and hard work shone brightly, earning them well-deserved recognition and admiration from all in attendance.

It’s truly inspiring to learn that all the expenses, including stall setup, print materials, and books, were collectively covered by the volunteers. Their commitment to sustaining this effort into the future is commendable. Moreover, the team’s generosity extends beyond the mela, as they regularly donate copies of the New York Times bestseller “Hear Yourself – How to Find Peace in the Noisy World” and Swayam Ki Awaaz: Shore Bhari Iss Duniya Mein Shanti Kaise Paayein to individuals interested in Prem Rawat’s message of peace. This selfless dedication to spreading peace and knowledge embodies the spirit of compassion and community upliftment.

Apart from that these volunteers also planning to set up a book club where people interested in Prem Rawat’s message can gather read his books and share their thoughts and experiences with each other.

Expanding the Peace Education Program to various institutions such as schools, colleges, correctional facilities, hospitals, old age homes, and jails reflects a commendable effort by the volunteers to bring the benefits of this program to a wider audience. By offering these sessions in diverse settings, they aim to reach individuals from all walks of life and provide them with tools and insights for personal growth, inner peace, and social harmony.

While doing research on Peace Education program we found a PDF document “Discovering Peace on the Road to Integration” and we hope it serves as a valuable resource for understanding the Peace Education Program in greater depth. It may offer insights into the curriculum, methodologies, and outcomes of the program, as well as testimonials or case studies illustrating its impact on participants.

Here is the dedicated team that is playing an active role in spreading Prem Rawat’s message of peace to thousands of individuals at Dwarka Mela 2024. Everyone has a role to play and they have Event Coordinators, Promotion and Outreach Team, Volunteer Coordinators, Logistics Team, Program Facilitators, Documentation Team, Feedback and Evaluation Team.

Here are the names of all the volunteers who took active participation in spreading Prem Rawat’s message of peace at Dwarka Mela 2024:

List goes like this: Chatar Singh, Yashpal Negi, Dinesh Atrish, Anuradha Bhardwaj, Puja, Kuldeep Bhardwaj, Jatin, Ramprasad, Umesh, Brahmanand, Bikram Ramola, Jaikishan, Hema, Poonam, Princy, Satendra, Naresh, Akshay.

These dedicated individuals contributed their time, effort, and passion to make Dwarka Mela 2024 a resounding success in spreading the message of peace and inner fulfilment advocated by Prem Rawat.

We will see you again with something as unique as this… take care and be in joy.

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